Thoughtful and Sustainable Estate Disbursement Consulting
The loss of a family member, divorce, a loved one entering assisted living, these are all reasons why you might need to find good, new homes for all of that “stuff” we accumulate. There’s only so much you may have room to keep and store. What about everything else?
How do you sort through it all? How do you figure out if it’s worth anything? There are many existing resources for this, however none of them really take into consideration the emotional aspect, nor the sustainability one either.
Estate sale companies and auction houses are a great resource for a house filled with artifacts and high end antiques, however their main goal is making the most money they can from your estate, and they typically take 40-50% of the profits as their services fee.
Clear out companies are also a great resource, and many of them do have established partner charities they work with to keep the functional items out of the landfill, and find them a new home with people who can really use them. But again, there are drawbacks- their main goal is to get that house or apartment cleared as quickly as possible, and also to make money on any of the items that may still have some value, so they’ll sell items they know they can make a little something on, a few donations will be made, but most everything else will be hauled away to the dump.
What if you could actually work with someone who has been through exactly what you’ve been through, herself?
As someone who has extensive experience working with various antique and collectable dealers as a Set Decoration buyer on tv shows and movies, and also as a set dresser and gang boss when a show wraps, I know of many, many appropriate, specific non-profits, arts organizations, props shops, American Legion halls, schools and the like who would love to get items such as furniture, books, office supplies, vintage clothes, military uniforms, vintage office “dressing” and other items, keeping them from the landfill, and extending their usefulness.
As I discovered myself when I lost my own Mom and siblings a few years ago, finding just the right home for these items can not only be a real practical help, it can also be really comforting, and helpful in the grieving process.
I can do valuations, assessments, make recommendations, do small donations, rent a truck and hire a crew to do larger donations, research and manage appropriate dealers and buyers, help sort the “wheat from the chaff”, a little or a lot, as needed or desired by you.
My reasonable consulting fee, paid by you, would then be reimbursed to you as an estate expense when you settle the estate.
Please do contact me for more information.